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TK Platform

TK Platform - General Information🔗

The following pages contain general information about the TK Platform:

For information about specific products/modules, visit the individual product documentation links below.


Product Description
CV/Resume and Job Parser Parse CV/Resumes or job descriptions and retrieve the extracted data in a structured format
Search & Match Semantic Search & Match on candidates and jobs in your ATS/CRM
Source External Find and import candidates from external sources
Skills Intelligence (Data Enrichment) Leverage the Skills and Professions Taxonomies and Ontology to build and enrich profiles
MarketIQ Real-time and historical data on the demand side of the labor market

Integration Components & Add-Ons🔗

Component Description
TK Portal Enables you to embed TK Platform products that offer a user interface with Single Sign-On
Automation API Add-On which enables you to integrate with the TK Platform to support a variety of end-to-end workflow scenarios, such as auto-matching and external candidate importing
MarketIQ Insights Widget Free of charge widgets containing Labor Market Intelligence that are embeddable in your ATS/CRM.

Specific Use Cases🔗

Use Case Description
Career Portal Matching Guide Explains how you can offer relevant job suggestions to job seekers, who can then easily apply to one or multiple jobs.