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Skills Intelligence

Look up code IDs🔗

The /lookup endpoint is a REST service offered via a POST method.

It will look up the provided TK code IDs and return their profession taxonomy.

Remember to send your authentication token with each request (see Authentication page).


Method Media URL Description
POST application/json {{domain}}/lookup Looks up a list of code IDs

Input parameters🔗

Parameter Type Default Description
code_ids array None The list of TK code IDs to look up
output_language str en The language or locale of the looked up codes (ISO639-1 language code or ISO639-1_ISO3166-1 locale code; see list of supported languages)

If the locale requested in output_language is not supported, the lookup will be returned in the language that is extracted from the locale (e.g. en if the locale is en_XX). If the provided language is not supported either, the request will fail (404).


Status Content type Content description
200 (OK) application/json A JSON object containing:
  • codes: a unique mapping from each code_id to its profession taxonomy
  • meta: the meta information of the service (including the service library version)
400 (Bad request) The input request body is incorrect
404 (Not Found) The language is not supported / The code ID doesn't exist
422 (Validation error) The input value does not match the expected format or content


$ curl -s -X POST \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
        -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d '{"code_ids": ["2000"], "output_language": "en"}'
  "codes": {
    "2000": {
      "tk": {
        "class": {
          "code_id": 20,
          "description": "Leisure, Sports and Tourism"
        "group": {
          "code_id": 231,
          "description": "Sports Instructors"
        "code_id": 2000,
        "description": "Martial Arts Instructor"
      "onet": {
        "code_id": "25_3099_00",
        "description": "Teachers and Instructors, All Other"
      "isco": {
        "code_id": 3422,
        "description": "Sports coaches, instructors and officials"
      "onet_2019": {
        "code_id": "25-3099.00",
        "description": "Teachers and Instructors, All Other"
      "kldb_2020": {
        "code_id": "84583",
        "description": "Sports instructors (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks"
      "uwv_boc": {
        "code_id": "1000407626",
        "description": "Sportinstructeur / trainer / coach"
      "uk_soc_2010": {
        "code_id": "3442",
        "description": "Sports coaches, instructors and officials"
      "uk_soc_2020": {
        "code_id": "3432",
        "description": "Sports coaches, instructors and officials"
      "ams": {
        "code_id": "823",
        "description": "SporttrainerIn"
  "trace_id": "41bb2fca-8be5-11eb-adb1-75e9223fbc6c",
  "meta": {
    "service_version": "1.3.0",
    "taxonomy_release": "2021-01-21T12:46:14.389507"

Response fields🔗

Field Type Value int The code id of the TK profession concept str The description of the TK profession concept int The code id of the group to which the TK profession concept belongs str The description of the group to which the TK profession concept belongs int The code id of the class to which the TK profession concept belongs str The description of the class to which the TK profession concept belongs
profession.onet.code_id str The code id of the ONET-2010 Occupation (DEPRECATED - to be removed January 2025)
profession.onet.description str The description of the ONET-2010 Occupation (DEPRECATED - to be removed January 2025)
profession.isco.code_id str The code id of the ISCO profession concept
profession.isco.description str The description of the ISCO profession concept
profession.onet_2019.code_id str The code id of the ONET-2019 profession concept
profession.onet_2019.description str The description of the ONET-2019 profession concept
profession.kldb_2020.code_id str The code id of the KldB-2020 profession concept
profession.kldb_2020.description str The description of the KldB-2020 profession concept
profession.uwv_boc.code_id str The code id of the UWV profession concept
profession.uwv_boc.description str The description of the UWV profession concept (Dutch only)
profession.uk_soc_2010.code_id str The code id of the UK-SOC-2010 profession concept
profession.uk_soc_2010.description str The description of the UK-SOC-2010 profession concept
profession.uk_soc_2020.code_id str The code id of the UK-SOC-2020 profession concept
profession.uk_soc_2020.description str The description of the UK-SOC-2020 profession concept
profession.ams.code_id str The code id of the AMS profession concept
profession.ams.description str The description of the AMS profession concept (German only)

Rate limits🔗

Accounts have a limited request rate. If you exceed the limit you will receive 429 Too Many Requests HTTP responses.

Plan Limit Units
Standard 1000 Minute
Demo 30 Minute