Document Conversion Result Codes🔗︎
This document lists the set of result codes reported by the Textkernel components and sample applications as a result of converting the original document (DOC, PDF, etc.) to another format (e.g. plain text for resume parsing). The result codes identify success, warning or error.
These response codes are used in the following API endpoints:
Success SubCodes🔗︎
This code indicates that the document converted successfully and that no warnings were detected.
Code | Description |
ovIsProbablyValid | Output did not fail any tests. |
Warning SubCodes🔗︎
These codes indicate that a problem might exist. In some cases these warnings should be heeded, and in other cases these warnings should be ignored.
Generally, unless the code indicates corruption, you should go ahead and try to parse the converted text. For instance, we've seen valid resumes that return ovAvgWordLengthLessThan4
because there was a list of dozens of two-digit state codes embedded in the text. However, in an online processing scenario, you may want to first ask the candidate to review the converted text to ensure that it was not corrupted in some way.
Code | Description |
ovProbableGarbageInText | 5% or more of the characters in the text are "symbols" (like the copyright sign and the trademark symbol) rather than regular letters and digits and punctuation. This is usually a sign that there is garbage in the converted text. |
ovUnknown | Validity could not be determined. Occurs if the converted text is empty for some unknown reason. |
ovAvgWordLengthGreaterThan20 | The converted text has an average word length exceeding 20 characters. This normally means that you should be wary of the validity of the text. |
ovAvgWordLengthLessThan4 | The converted text has an average word length less than 4 characters. This normally means that you should be wary of the validity of the text. |
ovTooFewLineBreaks | There are no line breaks, or there are far fewer line breaks than there should be, given the length of the text. |
ovLinesSeemTooShort | The text has too many very short lines. |
ovTruncated | The output was truncated due to exceeding PdfMaxPages. |
ovMayContainSomeReversedText | Some text may be rendered backwards. |
Error SubCodes🔗︎
These codes indicate a definite problem and indicate that the conversion output should be ignored.
Code | Description |
ovConfigurationError | An installation/deployment/configuration error is preventing one or more modules from working properly. As a result, the converted text may be worse than expected. |
ovCorrupt | The input document was recognized but is either corrupt or cannot be converted because the details of the file cannot be understood. |
ovCouldNotLoadFile | The specified file was found but could not be read. |
ovErrorOnOutputToHtml | An internal exception occurred while converting to HTML. Enable trace listener for TraceSource named "DocumentConverter" to capture details about the error. |
ovErrorOnOutputToRtf | An internal exception occurred while converting to RTF. Enable trace listener for TraceSource named "DocumentConverter" to capture details about the error. |
ovErrorOnOutputToText | An internal exception occurred while converting to TEXT. Enable trace listener for TraceSource named "DocumentConverter" to capture details about the error. |
ovErrorOnOutputToXml | An internal exception occurred while converting to WordXML. Enable trace listener for TraceSource named "DocumentConverter" to capture details about the error. |
ovErrorOnOutputToPdf | An internal exception occurred while converting to PDF. Enable trace listener for TraceSource named "DocumentConverter" to capture details about the error. |
ovFileNotFound | We could not find the disk file that we were asked to convert. |
ovIsEncrypted | The document is encrypted and cannot be opened except using a password, which we obviously do not have! |
ovIsImage | The document is just an image file. You will need to enable OCR in your account to parse this document. |
ovNullInput | A null parameter or empty byte array or empty file was passed to the converter. |
ovTimeout | The timeout was reached during conversion. |
ovUnsupportedFormat | We encountered an input/output format combination that we cannot convert with the current converters, using the subset that you enabled using the EnabledModules property. |
ovWordConvErrorAndProbableProblems | We encountered an error converting the document, and we think it probably has some invalid text in it, or is truncated. |
ovNoText | No usable text was able to be extracted. |