Get a Job🔗︎
HTTP Verb | Path |
GET | /v10/index/(indexId)/joborder/(documentId) |
Retrieves a single job from an index.
- You can try this endpoint out at our Swagger page ( US Data Center | EU Data Center | AU Data Center )
- There should never be a need to call this endpoint. You should store/retrieve documents in your own database, since documents stored in indexes will have all PII redacted.
Path Parameters🔗︎
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
indexId | string | The id for the index that contains the document (case-insensitive). |
documentId | string | The id of the document to retrieve (case-insensitive). |
Response Body🔗︎
Info 🔗︎ object
Information explaining the outcome of the transaction.
Info properties
Code 🔗︎ string
Code | Description |
Success |
Successful transaction |
MissingParameter |
A required parameter wasn't provided |
InvalidParameter |
A parameter was incorrectly specified |
AuthenticationError |
An error occurred with the credentials provided |
Unauthorized |
Your account doesn't have permission to perform this operation |
DataNotFound |
Data with the specified name wasn't found |
TransactionId 🔗︎ string
The (GUID) id for a specific API transaction. Use this when contacting about issues.
EngineVersion 🔗︎ string
The version of the parsing/matching engine running under-the-hood.
TotalElapsedMilliseconds 🔗︎ integer
How long the transaction took on Textkernel's server, in milliseconds. If the transaction takes longer to complete on the client side, that extra duration is solely network latency.
TransactionCost 🔗︎ decimal
How many credits the transaction costs.How many credits the transaction costs.
CustomerDetails 🔗︎ object
Information about the customer who made the API call.
CustomerDetails properties
CreditsRemaining 🔗︎ decimal
The number of credits remaining to be used by the account.
Value 🔗︎ object
All of the information extracted while parsing a job.
Value properties
CurrentJobIsManagement 🔗︎ bool
Whether or not the job is a management position. Used by Textkernel for Search & Match.
HighestManagementScore 🔗︎ object
The management score, or null. Used by Textkernel for Search & Match.
HighestManagementScore properties
ManagementLevel 🔗︎ string
The management level. Used by Textkernel for Search & Match. One of:
- None
- Low
- Mid
- High
ExecutiveType 🔗︎ string
What kind of executive position the job is, if any. Used by Textkernel for Search & Match. One of:
- IT
MinimumYears 🔗︎ object
The minimum years experience for the job, or null. Used by Textkernel for Search & Match.
MinimumYears properties
MaximumYears 🔗︎ object
The maximum years experience for the job, or null. Used by Textkernel for Search & Match.
MaximumYears properties
MinimumYearsManagement 🔗︎ object
The minimum years of management experience, or null. Used by Textkernel for Search & Match.
MinimumYearsManagement properties
MaximumYearsManagement 🔗︎ object
The maximum years of management experience, or null. Used by Textkernel for Search & Match.
MaximumYearsManagement properties
RequiredDegree 🔗︎ string
The required educational degree, if listed. Used by Textkernel for Search & Match.
EmployerDescription 🔗︎ string
Full text of any employer description listed by the job.
JobTitles 🔗︎ object
The job titles found in the job. Used by Textkernel for Search & Match.
JobTitles properties
NormalizedProfession 🔗︎ object
If ProfessionsSettings.Normalize
was set to true, this will be populated for the most recent 3 positions.
NormalizedProfession properties
Profession 🔗︎ object
Object containing the details of the profession concept.
Profession properties
Group 🔗︎ object
The object of the group to which the profession concept belongs.
Group properties
Class 🔗︎ object
The object of the class to which the profession concept belongs.
Class properties
EmployerNames 🔗︎ object
The employer names found in the job.
EmployerNames properties
Degrees 🔗︎ object[]
The educational degrees found listed in the job. Used by Textkernel for Search & Match.
Degrees properties
LocalEducationLevel 🔗︎ string
The normalized, local education level based on the job's country. Returns the Code ID from the table below.
Code ID | Description |
AT_0 | Unbekannt |
AT_1 | Volksschule |
AT_10 | Fachhochschule |
AT_11 | Akademie |
AT_12 | Universität |
AT_13 | Post-Akademische Ausbildung |
AT_14 | Dissertation |
AT_2 | Hauptschule |
AT_3 | AHS Unterstufe |
AT_4 | Lehre |
AT_5 | BMS |
AT_6 | BHS |
AT_7 | AHS Oberstufe |
AT_8 | Werkmeister- und Meisterschule |
AT_9 | Kolleg |
BE_0 | Onbekend |
BE_1 | Doctoraat |
BE_10 | Beroepssecundair onderwijs |
BE_11 | Technisch secundair onderwijs |
BE_12 | Lager onderwijs |
BE_13 | Andere |
BE_14 | Hoger beroepsonderwijs |
BE_3 | Master |
BE_4 | Bachelor/Master |
BE_5 | Academische/Professionele bachelor |
BE_6 | Academische bachelor |
BE_7 | Professionele bachelor |
BE_8 | Algemeen secundair onderwijs |
BE_9 | Kunstsecundair onderwijs |
BR_0 | Desconocido |
BR_1 | Ensino fundamentele |
BR_2 | Ensino secundário |
BR_3 | Licenciatura |
BR_4 | Mestrado |
BR_5 | Doutoramento |
CA_0 | Unknown |
CA_1 | High School |
CA_2 | Vocational Certificate |
CA_3 | Bachelor's Degree |
CA_4 | Master's Degree |
CA_5 | Ph.D. |
CH_0 | Andere/Unbekannt |
CH_1 | Primarschule |
CH_10 | Post-doc |
CH_2 | Sekundarschule |
CH_3 | Berufliche Grundbildung |
CH_4 | Allgemeinbildende Schulen |
CH_5 | Höhere Berufsbildung |
CH_6 | Hochschule |
CH_7 | Nachdiplomausbildung |
CH_8 | Masterstudium |
CH_9 | Doktorat |
CN_0 | 无要求 |
CN_1 | 小学 |
CN_2 | 中学 |
CN_3 | 职业教育 |
CN_4 | 大学 |
CN_5 | 硕士 |
CN_6 | 博士 |
CZ_0 | Unknown |
CZ_1 | Základní škola |
CZ_2 | SOU |
CZ_3 | Gymnázium |
CZ_4 | DiS / Vos |
CZ_5 | Bakalář |
CZ_6 | Magistr |
CZ_7 | Doctorat |
DE_0 | Unbekannt |
DE_1 | Grundschule |
DE_2 | Hauptschule |
DE_3 | Realschule |
DE_4 | Gymnasium |
DE_5 | Fachschule/Berufsausbildung |
DE_6 | Meister |
DE_7 | Bachelor |
DE_8 | Master |
DE_9 | Dissertation |
DK_0 | Unknown |
DK_1 | Folkeskole |
DK_2 | Gymnasie |
DK_3 | Professional Higher |
DK_4 | Bachelor |
DK_5 | Candidatus / Master |
DK_6 | Ph.D. |
DK_7 | Universitet |
ES_0 | Desconocido |
ES_1 | Bachillerato |
ES_2 | Formación Profesional |
ES_3 | Grado |
ES_4 | Licenciatura |
ES_5 | Doctorado |
FI_0 | No Degree |
FI_1 | Basic Education |
FI_10 | PhD |
FI_2 | Vocational Upper Secondary |
FI_3 | Upper Secondary School |
FI_4 | University Degree |
FI_5 | Bachelor Polytechnic |
FI_6 | Bachelor |
FI_7 | Engineer |
FI_8 | Master |
FI_9 | Pre-doctoral Degree |
FR_0 | Unknown |
FR_1 | Elementary |
FR_10 | Bac+3/+4 |
FR_11 | Bac+3/+5 |
FR_12 | Bac+4 |
FR_13 | Bac+4/+5 |
FR_14 | Bac+5 |
FR_15 | Bac+8 |
FR_2 | BEP/CAP |
FR_3 | Bac Pro |
FR_4 | Bac |
FR_5 | Bac+2 |
FR_6 | Bac+2/+3 |
FR_7 | Bac+2/+4 |
FR_8 | Bac+2/+5 |
FR_9 | Bac+3 |
GB_0 | Unknown |
GB_1 | Post-Graduate qualification |
GB_2 | Master's degree |
GB_3 | Bachelor's degree |
GB_4 | Professional qualification |
GB_5 | HND/HNC or equivalent |
GB_6 | Vocational qualification (NVQ/VRQ/QCF) |
GB_7 | 'A' Level or equivalent |
GB_8 | GCSE or equivalent |
GB_9 | Other |
GR_0 | Unknown |
GR_1 | Primary School |
GR_2 | Lower Secondary School |
GR_3 | Upper Secondary School |
GR_4 | Bachelor |
GR_5 | Master |
GR_6 | Doctorate |
HR_0 | Bez diplome |
HR_1 | Osnovna škola |
HR_2 | Srednja stručna sprema |
HR_3 | Viša stručna sprema |
HR_4 | Visoka stručna sprema |
HR_5 | Poslijediplomski znanstveni magistarski studiji |
HR_6 | Doktor znanosti |
HU_0 | Unknown |
HU_1 | Általános Iskola |
HU_2 | Szakiskola |
HU_3 | Gimnázium |
HU_4 | Főiskola |
HU_5 | Egyetem- BSc, BA |
HU_6 | Egyetem- MSc, MA, osztatlan |
HU_7 | Posztgraduális képzés |
HU_8 | PhD |
IT_0 | Corsi |
IT_1 | Scuola della infanzia |
IT_2 | Scuola elementare |
IT_3 | Scuola secondaria di primo grado |
IT_4 | Scuola secondaria di secondo grado |
IT_5 | Laurea triennale |
IT_6 | Master I livello |
IT_7 | Laurea specialistica |
IT_8 | Master II livello |
IT_9 | Dottorato di ricerca |
JP_0 | リクエストなし |
JP_1 | 小学校 |
JP_2 | 中等学校 |
JP_3 | 職業教育 |
JP_4 | 大学 |
JP_5 | マスター |
JP_6 | 博士号 |
NL_0 | Onbekend |
NL_1 | Elementair |
NL_10 | MBO/HBO |
NL_11 | HBO |
NL_12 | HBO/WO |
NL_13 | WO |
NL_14 | Post WO |
NL_2 | VMBO |
NL_4 | Mavo/VMBO |
NL_5 | VMBO/Havo |
NL_6 | HAVO |
NL_8 | Vwo |
NL_9 | MBO |
NO_0 | Unknown |
NO_1 | Primary School |
NO_2 | Lower Secondary School |
NO_3 | Upper Secondary School |
NO_4 | Vocational Education |
NO_5 | Bachelor |
NO_6 | Master |
NO_7 | Doctorate |
NO_8 | University |
PL_0 | Unknown |
PL_1 | Szkola Podstawowa |
PL_2 | Gimnazjum |
PL_3 | Liceum |
PL_4 | Bachelor |
PL_5 | Magister |
PL_6 | Doktor |
PT_0 | Desconocido |
PT_1 | Ensino fundamentele |
PT_2 | Ensino medio |
PT_3 | Licenciatura |
PT_4 | Mestre |
PT_5 | Doutor |
RO_0 | Unknown |
RO_1 | Scoala Primara |
RO_2 | Gimnaziu |
RO_3 | Liceu |
RO_4 | Scoala Postliceala |
RO_5 | Diplomă de Licenţă |
RO_6 | Master |
RO_7 | PhD |
RU_0 | Unknown |
RU_1 | Primary school |
RU_2 | Secondary school |
RU_3 | Prof. Qualification |
RU_4 | Bachelor |
RU_5 | Master |
RU_6 | PhD |
SE_0 | Unknown |
SE_1 | Grundskola |
SE_2 | Gymnasieskola |
SE_3 | Högskolexamen |
SE_4 | Kandidat |
SE_5 | Master |
SE_6 | Universitet-Licenciat-PhD |
SI_0 | Brez stopnje |
SI_1 | Osnovnošolska izobrazba |
SI_2 | Srednješolska izobrazba |
SI_3 | Dodiplomski študij |
SI_4 | Magister |
SI_5 | Magisterij znanosti |
SI_6 | Doktor znanosti |
SK_0 | Unknown |
SK_1 | Základné Vzdelanie |
SK_2 | Stredoškolské Vzdelanie Alebo Odborné Vyučenie |
SK_3 | Vysokoškolské/Univerzitné Vzdelanie |
SK_4 | Postgraduálne Štúdium |
TR_0 | Diğer/Bilinmiyor |
TR_1 | İlköğretim |
TR_2 | Lise |
TR_3 | Önlisans |
TR_4 | Lisans |
TR_5 | Yüksek Lisans |
TR_6 | Doktora |
TR_7 | Doktora sonrası |
US_1 | Post-Doctorate Qualification |
US_2 | PhD |
US_3 | Master |
US_4 | Bachelor |
US_5 | Associate Degree |
US_6 | Vocational Certificate |
US_7 | College |
US_8 | High School |
US_9 | Unknown |
CertificationsAndLicenses 🔗︎ string[]
Any certifications/licenses listed in the job. Used by Textkernel for Search & Match.
Skills 🔗︎ object
Skills output when version 2 of the taxonomy is utilized.
Skills properties
Raw 🔗︎ object[]
Array of skills exactly as found in the plain text of the document.
Raw properties
Normalized 🔗︎ object
Normalized skills output when version 2 of the taxonomy is utilized and SkillsSettings.Normalize
is set to true.
Normalized properties
RelatedProfessionClasses 🔗︎ object
Professions most related to the document. Only output if version 2 of the skills taxonomy is utilized and SkillsSettings.Normalize
is set to true.
RelatedProfessionClasses properties
LanguageCodes 🔗︎ string[]
Any languages listed in the job. Used by Textkernel for Search & Match.
CurrentLocation 🔗︎ object
The location of the job, if listed. If no job location is found, this is the location of the company, if listed.
CurrentLocation properties
ApplicationDetails 🔗︎ object
Information about the application process.
ApplicationDetails properties
ApplicationDescription 🔗︎ string
Full text description of the application process.
ContactPhone 🔗︎ string
Normalized phone of the organization with international calling prefix. Can contain multiple values (concatenated by comma).
ContactEmail 🔗︎ string
Displayable email of the organization. Can contain multiple values (concatenated by comma).
Salary 🔗︎ object
The salary found for the position.
Salary properties
RawMinimum 🔗︎ string
The raw, un-normalized, minimum value. This is returned as is in the text, so there is no guarantee that it will evaluate to a valid number and not a string.
RawMaximum 🔗︎ string
The raw, un-normalized, maximum value. This is returned as is in the text, so there is no guarantee that it will evaluate to a valid number and not a string.
TimeScale 🔗︎ string
Time Scale applied to the raw values to get the minimum and maximum annual salary. Possible values are Hourly
, Daily
, Weekly
, Monthly
, or Annually
If no lexical cues are available from the vacancy, the time scale is guessed based on predefined salary ranges. Here are some rough salary ranges (note: country-specific conditions may apply):
- 1 or 2 digits salary (9, 12): hourly
- 3 or 4 digits salary (3800, 5000): monthly
- 5 digit salary (38000, 50000): annually
If a monthly salary is extracted, to get the annual salary it is multiplied by 14 (if country = AT) or 12 (all other countries).
MinimumWorkingHours 🔗︎ object
The minimum number of working hours per week, or null.
MinimumWorkingHours properties
MaximumWorkingHours 🔗︎ object
The maximum number of working hours per week, or null.
MaximumWorkingHours properties
IsRemote 🔗︎ bool
Whether or not the position is remote. Includes fulltime, partial and temporary remote working opportunities.
EmploymentType 🔗︎ string
The type of employment. One of:
- unspecified
- fulltime
- parttime
- fulltime/parttime
ContractType 🔗︎ string
The contract type. One of:
- unspecified
- permanent
- temporary
- possibly_permanent
- interim
- franchise
- side
- internship
- voluntary
- freelance
- apprenticeship
- assisted
SkillsData 🔗︎ object[]
Deprecated. Use v2 skills taxonomy and its associated Skills output.
SkillsData properties
Taxonomies 🔗︎ object[]
The skills taxonomies found in a resume.
Taxonomies properties
PercentOfOverall 🔗︎ integer
The percent (0-100) of skills found in the document that belong to this taxonomy.
SubTaxonomies 🔗︎ object[]
The subtaxonomy children of this taxonomy (more specific groupings of skills).
SubTaxonomies properties
PercentOfOverall 🔗︎ integer
The percent (0-100) of skills found in the subtaxonomy compared to all subtaxonomies.
PercentOfParent 🔗︎ integer
The percent (0-100) of skills found in the subtaxonomy compared to other subtaxonomies in the parent taxonomy
JobMetadata 🔗︎ object
Metadata about the parsed job
JobMetadata properties
DocumentLanguage 🔗︎ string
The two-letter ISO 639-1 code for the language the document was written in.
UserDefinedTags 🔗︎ string[]
A list of User-Defined Tags that are assigned to this resume. These are used to filter search/match queries in the Search & Match Engine.
NOTE: you may add/remove these prior to indexing. This is the only property you may modify prior to indexing.
Sample JSON
"Info": {
"Code": "Success",
"Message": "string",
"TransactionId": "string",
"TotalElapsedMilliseconds": 0,
"TransactionCost": 0,
"CustomerDetails": {
"AccountId": "string",
"Name": "string",
"IPAddress": "string",
"Region": "string",
"CreditsRemaining": 0,
"CreditsUsed": 0,
"ExpirationDate": "2020-11-03",
"MaximumConcurrentRequests": 0
"Value": {
"CurrentJobIsManagement": true,
"HighestManagementScore": {
"Value": 0
"ManagementLevel": "string",
"ExecutiveType": "string",
"MinimumYears": {
"Value": 0
"MaximumYears": {
"Value": 0
"MinimumYearsManagement": {
"Value": 0
"MaximumYearsManagement": {
"Value": 0
"RequiredDegree": "string",
"JobDescription": "string",
"JobRequirements": "string",
"Benefits": "string",
"EmployerDescription": "string",
"StartDate": {
"Value": "2020-11-02"
"JobTitles": {
"MainJobTitle": "string",
"JobTitle": [
"NormalizedProfession": {
"Profession": {
"CodeId": 0,
"Description": ""
"Group": {
"CodeId": 0,
"Description": ""
"Class": {
"CodeId": 0,
"Description": ""
"ISCO": {
"Version": "",
"CodeId": 0,
"Description": ""
"ONET": {
"Version": "",
"CodeId": "",
"Description": ""
"Confidence": 0.0
"EmployerNames": {
"MainEmployerName": "string",
"EmployerName": [
"Degrees": [
"Name": "string",
"Type": "string",
"LocalEducationLevel": "string"
"SchoolNames": [
"CertificationsAndLicenses": [
"Skills": {
"Raw": [
"Name": "",
"Required": false
"Normalized": [
"Name": "",
"Type": "",
"Id": "",
"Required": false,
"RawSkills": [
"RelatedProfessionClasses": [
"Name": "",
"Id": "",
"Percent": 0,
"Groups": [
"Name": "",
"Id": "",
"Percent": 0,
"NormalizedSkills": [
"LanguageCodes": [
"CurrentLocation": {
"CountryCode": "string",
"PostalCode": "string",
"Regions": [
"Municipality": "string",
"StreetAddressLines": [
"GeoCoordinates": {
"Latitude": 0,
"Longitude": 0,
"Source": "string"
"ApplicationDetails": {
"ApplicationDescription": "string",
"ContactPerson": "string",
"ContactPhone": "string",
"ContactEmail": "string",
"Website": "string",
"ApplicationDeadline": {
"Value": "2020-11-02"
"PostedDate": {
"Value": "2020-11-02"
"ReferenceNumber": "string"
"Salary": {
"Minimum": {
"Value": 0
"Maximum": {
"Value": 0
"Currency": "string"
"MinimumWorkingHours": {
"Value": 0
"MaximumWorkingHours": {
"Value": 0
"WorkingHours": "string",
"IsRemote": true,
"DriversLicenses": [
"EmploymentType": "string",
"ContractType": "string",
"TermsOfInterest": [
"Owners": [
"SkillsData": [
"Root": "string",
"Taxonomies": [
"Id": "string",
"Name": "string",
"PercentOfOverall": 0,
"SubTaxonomies": [
"PercentOfOverall": 0,
"PercentOfParent": 0,
"SubTaxonomyId": "string",
"SubTaxonomyName": "string",
"Skills": [
"Id": "string",
"Name": "string",
"ExistsInText": true,
"Required": true,
"Variations": [
"Id": "string",
"Name": "string",
"ExistsInText": true,
"Required": true
"JobMetadata": {
"PlainText": "string",
"DocumentLanguage": "string",
"DocumentCulture": "string",
"ParserSettings": "string",
"DocumentLastModified": "2020-11-02"
"UserDefinedTags": [