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Tx Platform

Options Object🔗︎

Roles 🔗︎ string[]


The roles associated with the request. Defaults to "All" if none are provided.

SupressResultList 🔗︎ boolean


If true then no result list is returned. Used for example when only the cloud is needed.

SupressCorrection 🔗︎ boolean


If true then spelling correction on the input query is skipped.

Highlight 🔗︎ boolean


The roles associated with the request. Defaults to "All" if none are provided.

PageSize 🔗︎ int


Optional parameter to specify the number of result items (max 1500). Only use a high number in case you need a list of results for use in follow-up actions. Do not use a high number when presenting results in a user interface. Therefore, pageSize is limited to 100 when used in combination with pagination parameters (searchAfter or resultOffset). And when pageSize is larger than 100, facet counts and search term highlighting are not provided (suppressFacetCounts and suppressHighlighting are implicitly set to true). If pageSize is not provided, the pre-configured page size of the searcher will be used. The pageSize parameter is ignored for external searchers.

SynonymLanguages 🔗︎ string[]


Optional List of language codes preferred by the user to filter synonyms by languages.

MergeOverlappingSynonyms 🔗︎ boolean


Optional. If true the content of a query part item of type TEXT or LONG_TEXT (its term plus synonyms) that overlaps more than 75% with a previous query part of the same field and condition will be moved into the synonyms of that previous one.

SynonymExpansionMode 🔗︎ string


Optional setting for synonym expansion mode. Allowed values: QUERY, QUERY_AND_QUERYPARTS, QUERY_AND_SYNONYMMAP.

ResultFields 🔗︎ string[]


Optional customization of the fields to be included in the results. If it consists of a single wildcard field marked by "*" (star) then all available fields will be returned. If empty then the default result field set will be returned. Remark: Reducing the returned fields this way, will not in general improve performance, since Search is optimized to return the standard configured field set. It is not possible to request system fields such as 'roles' or nested sub-fields.

FacetCounts 🔗︎ boolean


Optional. If true the search responses will not contain facet count. Improves query response time.

Sorting 🔗︎ object[]


Optional sorting definition.

DocumentType 🔗︎ string required


Allows for users to specify what type of document is being passed to the match process. Document ID must be specifed and the match process needs to know if the documentId is of type candidate or vacancy. Allowed values: candidate, vacancy.