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Tx Platform
View Match Details

Generate the Matching UI Details View🔗︎

This feature has been deprecated.

HTTP Verb Path
POST /ui/v10/details

Generate an HTML user interface for reviewing a single result from Search & Match that can be consumed in your client application.

Request Body🔗︎

UIOptions 🔗︎ object


Object representing various options for generating the UI.

UIOptions properties

Username 🔗︎ string


The username of the current user. *If you do not provide this, the user will be required to login when they view the page.

Style 🔗︎ object


Specifies custom style options for this session.

Style properties

PrimaryColor 🔗︎ string


An HTML color used to generate several related colors for various UI elements. For example: #077799.

HeaderColor 🔗︎ string


An HTML color used for the background of the section/accordian headers. For example: #077799.

SquareCorners 🔗︎ boolean


true to use square corners for UI elements. Default is false for rounded corners.

FontFamily 🔗︎ string


A CSS font-family to use for all UI elements. For example: Arial.

FontUrl 🔗︎ string


If you'd like to use a non-standard font, specify the URL where that font can be downloaded here. For example:;500;600;700&display=swap. Note that you also need to define the FontFamily if you use this option.

MatchDetails 🔗︎ object required


The information about the match result for this session. These properties should be filled from an Search & Match response.

MatchDetails properties

Result 🔗︎ object required


A single entry from one of the following result lists:

AppliedCategoryWeights 🔗︎ object required


The AppliedCategoryWeights object from the API call that generated the above Result. One of:

SourceDocumentType 🔗︎ string required


The type of document the result was scored against. Either Resume or Job.

HtmlDocument 🔗︎ string


The HTML document to be displayed in the details view. If you do not provide this, only the plain text for the document is shown. The only allowed HTML string is the one generated by Textkernel in a Parse API when you set OutputHtml to true. One of:

Sample JSON
  "UIOptions": {
    "Username": "",
    "Style": {
      "PrimaryColor": "",
      "HeaderColor": "",
      "SquareCorners": false,
      "FontFamily": "",
      "FontUrl": ""
  "MatchDetails": {
    "Result": {
      "SovScore": 0.0,
      "*": "..."
    "AppliedCategoryWeights": {
      "Skills": 0.0,
      "*": "..."
    "SourceDocumentType": "",
    "HtmlDocument": ""

Response Body🔗︎

url 🔗︎ string


The endpoint to hit to get the generated Matching UI. The first request to this endpoint will automatically authenticate the user. Subsequent requests (who are not already authenticated) will require a login. This url will be valid for at least 24 hours.

expires_in 🔗︎ integer


The number of seconds until the url auto-authentication expires.

Sample JSON
  "url": "",
  "expires_in": 0