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Geocode and Index a Resume

Geocode and Index a Resume🔗︎

HTTP Verb Path
POST /v10/geocodeAndIndex/resume

Geocodes a document and adds it to an index.


Request Body🔗︎

ResumeData 🔗︎ object required


Parsed ResumeData from the Textkernel CV/Resume Parser. See Parse a Resume

IndexIfGeocodeFails 🔗︎ bool


Indicates whether or not the document should still be added to the index if the geocode request fails. Default is false.

GeocodeOptions 🔗︎ object required


Settings to determine the form of geocoding for the transaction.

GeocodeOptions properties

Provider 🔗︎ string


The Provider you wish to use to geocode the postal address (current options are "Google", "Bing", or "None"). If not specified, we will default to Google. If you are just trying to update the postal address in the document, please set this to "None". If passing "Google" or "Bing", ProviderKey is requried.

ProviderKey 🔗︎ string


The Provider Key for the specified Provider. If using Bing you must specify your own provider key.

PostalAddress 🔗︎ object


The postal address you wish to geocode. For best results, specify as many of the PostalAddress fields as possible. If provided, this address will be used to get the geocode coordinates instead of the address included in the ParsedDocument (if present), however, the address in the ParsedDocument will not be modified.

PostalAddress properties

CountryCode 🔗︎ string


The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code indicating the country for the postal address.

PostalCode 🔗︎ string


The postal code (or zip code) for the postal address

Region 🔗︎ string


The region (i.e. State for U.S. addresses) for the postal address.

Municipality 🔗︎ string


The municipality (i.e. City for U.S. addresses) for the postal address

AddressLine 🔗︎ string


The address line (i.e. Street address for U.S. address) for the postal address

GeoCoordinates 🔗︎ object


The geographic coordinates (latitude/longitude) for your postal address. Use this if you already have latitude/longitude coordinates and simply wish to add them to your parsed document. If provided, these values will be inserted into your ParsedDocument and the address included in the ParsedDocument (if present), will not be modified.

GeoCoordinates properties

Latitude 🔗︎ float


The latitude coordinate value.

Longitude 🔗︎ float


The longitude coordinate value.

IndexingOptions 🔗︎ object required


Settings to specify where to store the document.

Skills Normalization must be included to index documents using V2 Skills Taxonomy. These algorithms ignore raw skills and only consider the normalized skill concepts for skills category scoring. This leads to improved scoring and ranking because normalization produces less false negatives than simple exact keyword matching.

IndexingOptions properties

SearchAndMatchVersion 🔗︎ string


The Search & Match Version to use for indexing. Options are V1 or V2. If not specified, V1 will be used.

IndexId 🔗︎ string


This determines what index to place the parsed document in. This is case-insensitive.

This is required when using SearchAndMatchVersion V1 and will be ignored if using SearchAndMatchVersion V2.

Roles 🔗︎ string[]


If using SearchAndMatchVersion V2, the list of roles that are allowed to retrieve the document. If not set, ["all"] will be used.

DocumentId 🔗︎ string


This determines what id to give to the parsed document. This is restricted to alphanumeric with dashes and underscores. All values will be converted to lower-case. This is required if indexing the document.

UserDefinedTags 🔗︎ string[]


If using SearchAndMatchVersion V1, the user-defined tags you want the document to have.

CustomFields 🔗︎ object


If using SearchAndMatchVersion V2, a collection of custom fields represented as key-value pairs.

Sample JSON
  "ResumeData": "...",
  "IndexIfGeocodeFails": false,
  "GeocodeOptions": {
    "Provider": "",
    "ProviderKey": "",
    "PostalAddress": {
      "CountryCode": "",
      "PostalCode": "",
      "Region": "",
      "Municipality": "",
      "AddressLine": ""
    "GeoCoordinates": {
      "Latitude": 0,
      "Longitude": 0
  "IndexingOptions": {
    "SearchAndMatchVersion": "",
    "IndexId": "",
    "Roles": [
    "DocumentId": "",
    "UserDefinedTags": [
    "CustomFields": {}

Response Body🔗︎

Info 🔗︎ object


Information explaining the outcome of the transaction.

Info properties

Code 🔗︎ string


Code Description
Success Successful transaction
MissingParameter A required parameter wasn't provided
InvalidParameter A parameter was incorrectly specified
AuthenticationError An error occurred with the credentials provided
Unauthorized Your account doesn't have permission to perform this operation
DataNotFound Data with the specified name wasn't found
Message 🔗︎ string


This message further describes the code providing additional detail.

TransactionId 🔗︎ string


The (GUID) id for a specific API transaction. Use this when contacting about issues.

EngineVersion 🔗︎ string


The version of the parsing/matching engine running under-the-hood.

ApiVersion 🔗︎ string


The version of the API.

TotalElapsedMilliseconds 🔗︎ integer


How long the transaction took on Textkernel's server, in milliseconds. If the transaction takes longer to complete on the client side, that extra duration is solely network latency.

TransactionCost 🔗︎ decimal


How many credits the transaction costs.How many credits the transaction costs.

CustomerDetails 🔗︎ object


Information about the customer who made the API call.

CustomerDetails properties

AccountId 🔗︎ string


The AccountId for the account.

Name 🔗︎ string


The customer name on the account.

IPAddress 🔗︎ string


The client IP Address where the API call originated.

Region 🔗︎ string


The region for the account, also known as the 'Data Center'.

CreditsRemaining 🔗︎ decimal


The number of credits remaining to be used by the account.

CreditsUsed 🔗︎ decimal


The number of credits used by the account.

MaximumConcurrentRequests 🔗︎ integer


The number of requests that can be made at one time. If using sub-accounts, this is the maximum number of concurent requests across all accounts, not just this single sub-account.

ExpirationDate 🔗︎ date


The date that the current credits expire.

Value 🔗︎ object


Contains response data for the transaction.

Value properties

ResumeData 🔗︎ object


The main output from the Textkernel CV/Resume Parser containing the geocoded coordinates. See Parse a Resume

GeocodeResponse 🔗︎ object


If Request.GeocodeOptions.IncludeGeocoding is set to true (thus geocoding is executed), this object will be populated with a response.

GeocodeResponse properties

Code 🔗︎ string


Maps to the Response.Code parameter of a Geocode Resume Transaction.

Message 🔗︎ string


Maps to the Response.Message parameter of a Geocode Resume Transaction.

IndexingResponse 🔗︎ object


If Request.IndexingOptions contains any specified parameters, this object will be populated with a response.

IndexingResponse properties

Code 🔗︎ string


Maps to the Response.Code parameter of a Index a Resume Transaction.

Message 🔗︎ string


Maps to the Response.Message parameter of a Index a Resume Transaction.

Sample JSON
  "Info": {
    "Code": "string",
    "Message": "string",
    "TransactionId": "string",
    "EngineVersion": "string",
    "ApiVersion": "string",
    "TotalElapsedMilliseconds": 0,
    "TransactionCost": 0,
    "CustomerDetails": {
      "AccountId": "string",
      "Name": "string",
      "IPAddress": "string",
      "Region": "string",
      "CreditsRemaining": 0,
      "CreditsUsed": 0,
      "ExpirationDate": "2021-12-31",
      "MaximumConcurrentRequests": 0
  "Value": {
    "ResumeData": {
    "GeocodeResponse": {
      "Code": "",
      "Message": ""
    "IndexingResponse": {
      "Code": "",
      "Message": ""