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Search! & Match! API
View Document Service

View Document Service

View Document Service🔗

The View Document Service provides the following functionality for accessing the documents in the search index:

Method viewDocument🔗

Method call🔗

viewDocument(environmentName, password, searchEngine, documentID, accessRoles)


The method returns the HTML representation of the indexed document for the given document ID.


Parameter Name Type Description
environment string identifier of a search environment
password string password for the search environment
searchEngine string optional: searcher for which to retrieve the document
documentID string the document ID (given at indexing time) for which the original representation should be returned
accessRoles list of strings list of access roles to check document access. Role "all" grants access to all documents.



  • The document store is enabled for the environment.
  • The provided environment has a repository (i.e. it is indexing).



Error Handling🔗

Error Code Description
EMPTY_ARGUMENT One or more mandatory arguments are empty.
INVALID_PASSWORD The password is incorrect.
ENVIRONMENT_NOT_AVAILABLE The environment is not available (see log-file for possible errors).
DOCUMENT_STORAGE_ERROR The document can not be retreived from the document store.
INVALID_DOCUMENT_FORMAT The document can not be parsed as XML.
INVALID_ACCESS_ROLES The document does not allow access to the given access roles.
DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND The document is not found in the document store.
METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLE The Cassandra document store is not enabled, or the searcher with the given searchEngine name is not an internal searcher.
SEARCHER_NOT_FOUND The searcher with the given searchEngine name is not found.

Method viewDocumentWithToken🔗

Method call🔗

viewDocumentWithToken(accessToken, searchEngine, documentID)


The same method as viewDocument but with token authentication.

Error Handling🔗

The method can raise the same errors as the corresponding viewDocument method, but can return an INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN error instead of the INVALID_PASSWORD error.

Method viewTemplatedMetadata🔗

Method call🔗

viewTemplatedMetadata(environmentName, password, searchEngine, documentID, language, template, accessRoles)


The method returns a templated representation of the indexed document's metadata for the given document ID.


Parameter Name Type Description
environment string Identifier of a search environment.
password string Password for the search environment.
searchEngine string Optional name of the searchEngine to retrieve the document from, defaults to the first configured searcher.
documentID string The document ID (given at indexing time) to template.
language string The desired output language.
template string The template name to be applied. As a result of the template .vm file application, output in any format can be produced. While HTML (as a result) is commonly used for emails, it can be also JSON, XML, or any other text-based format.
accessRoles list of strings List of access roles to check document access for. Role "all" grants access to all documents.



  • Document templating is enabled for the environment.
  • One or more templates are configured for the environment.



Error Handling🔗

Error Code Description
EMPTY_ARGUMENT One or more mandatory arguments are empty.
INVALID_PASSWORD The password is incorrect.
ENVIRONMENT_NOT_AVAILABLE The environment is not available (see log-file for possible errors).
SEARCH_EXECUTION_ERROR The document can not be retrieved from the searcher.
INVALID_ACCESS_ROLES The document does not allow access to the given access roles.
DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND The document is not found in the index.
SEARCHER_NOT_FOUND The specified searcher is not found or not an searcher.
TEMPLATE_ERROR The velocity template is not found or contains errors.

Method viewTemplatedMetadataWithToken🔗

Method call🔗

viewTemplatedMetadata(accessToken, searchEngine, documentID, language, template)


The same method as viewTemplatedMetadata but with token authentication.

Error Handling🔗

The method can raise the same errors as the corresponding viewTemplatedMetadata method, but can return an INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN error instead of the INVALID_PASSWORD error.