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Search! & Match! API
Endpoints Overview

Endpoints Overview

Protocol and Endpoints🔗

SOAP Endpoints🔗

All services support the SOAP protocol. A WSDL is available that specifies the available service methods and data structures.


URL Prefix

The URL prefix for the API endpoints depends on your region. Please check with your Textkernel consultant which prefix to use.


Endpoint Versions

In case there is only an unversioned endpoint in the list below, that is the current version.

Service WSDL URL
Authentication [prefix]/soap/authentication?wsdl
Search [prefix]/soap/v6/search?wsdl
Indexing [prefix]/soap/indexing?wsdl
Query Extraction [prefix]/soap/queryextraction?wsdl
Projects [prefix]/soap/v5/projects?wsdl
Save Results [prefix]/soap/saveresults?wsdl
Save Searches [prefix]/soap/v5/savesearches?wsdl
Save Synonyms [prefix]/soap/savesynonyms?wsdl
Auto-Complete [prefix]/soap/v5/completion?wsdl
Assessments [prefix]/soap/assessments?wsdl
View Document [prefix]/soap/viewdocument?wsdl
User Settings [prefix]/soap/userSettings?wsdl

Deprecated endpoints🔗

The following endpoints will be removed in a future release. Please use the latest versioned endpoint from the list above in case there is a replacement listed.

The current API version is described in more detail in this document. For the documentation of older API versions, consult the respective older versions of the Search documentation. The deprecated endpoints serve older API versions for backwards compatibility.

Service Deprecated Endpoints Replacement
Search soap/search, soap/v3/search, soap/v4/search, soap/v5/search soap/v6/search
Projects soap/projects soap/v5/projects
Save Searches soap/savesearches soap/v5/savesearches
Auto-Complete soap/completion soap/v5/completion
Import soap/import To be confirmed
User-Logging soap/userlogging None

General guidelines for using the SOAP service🔗

  1. The WSDL can be used to generate the source code necessary to call the services. Please check for tools available in the target programming language.
  2. The SOAP services offer two types of authentication: calling with environment and password and calling with an accessToken. These variants are named accordingly, e.g. search and searchWithToken.
  3. The SOAP services throw a SearchBoxException on error which contains two fields: errorCode and message. See list of possible error codes in the service descriptions. Additional exceptions can be thrown if it's needed for richer error handling.