Composite Metadata🔗
A composite metadata object describes all metadata for a search environment. The composite metadata contains all static facet information, and a list of all registered searchers mapped to their searcher metadata. The map maintains the order of searchers as they are put in the configuration.
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
facets | list of Facet | list of facets to be displayed and their properties |
defaultSearcher | string | name of the default searcher |
searcherMetadata | map of string to SearcherMetadata | map searcher name to searcher metadata |
hasDatabase | boolean | true if the environment has database features enabled (i.e. saving searches). |
hasEmailAlerts | boolean | true if the environment has emailing enabled (i.e. for saved searches). |
hasAssessmentAccess | boolean | true if the environment has full assessment mode enabled. |
hasAssessmentLightAccess | boolean | true if the environment has light assessment mode enabled. |
hasReportingAccess | boolean | true if the environment has reporting enabled. |
autoCompleteFields | list of strings | list of field names that have auto-completion enabled. |
linkNameLabels | map of string to string | maps link names (document ID link or action link) to labels for the given language. |
relevanceLabels | list of strings | list of assessment labels (only relevant if assessments are enabled). |
headLinks | list of headerLinks | custom links to be added to the header. A headerLink object contains a name, URL, target, and label. |
savingConfig | SavingConfig | Configuration for saving projects, queries, and results. |
hasQueryExtractor | boolean | true if query extraction (Match) is configured for the environment. |
hasNlqsEnabled | boolean | true if a natural query language interpretation service (NLQS) is configured for the environment. |
hasEmailAddressesOnToken | boolean | true if UserOptions.emailAddresses has been provided when authenticating. |
hasTransformedQueryAccess | boolean | true if AccessOptions.transformedQueryAccess has been set to true when authenticating. |
hasUserSettingsEnabled | boolean | returns whether the user settings are modifiable or not for the environment. This only applies to users of the Textkernel Search UI. The User Settings API is not exposed to customers for changing settings. |
userSettings | UserSettings | User's preferences. |
availableSynonymLanguages | list of strings | Available languages defined for synonyms in the environment. The order of the languages will be aligned with environment configuration. If there are multiple fields defined for synonyms, languages will be loaded based on the order of the fields in configuration. Inside the fields related_terms will have higher priority than spelling_variants |
hasSearchHistoryEnabled | boolean | true if environment has search history enabled. Note that this setting is only taken into account if reporting is enabled as well. |
hasReportingEnabled | boolean | true if reporting is enabled both on environment and application level. |
user | string | user ID from the access token. |
environmentName | string | the name of the environment. |
importing | Importing | Contains importing metadata; external link, external label, Sourcebox split page. May be null |