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Search! & Match! API


While Search is typically set up with a set of standardized fields for CVs or vacancies, the application itself does not attach any semantic meaning to the configured field names. The fields are only distinguished by their data type and attached knowledge. However, a couple of Search features depend on a more explicit semantic understanding of its configured fields. Here, the Search concept tagging comes into play.

Environment fields should be tagged in the configuration by semantic concepts that are recognized by Search wherever possible. This way Search knows which field contains a job title, a certain skill type, or location.

List of Concepts🔗

Most concepts are purposefully available for both CV or vacancy environments, but in a few cases a distinction was made. The currently available concepts are:

Concept Description
Jobtitle related Concepts
LAST_JOB_TITLE The lastest job title of a candidate
JOB_TITLES All job titles of a candidate
RECENT_JOB_TITLES Only recent job titles of a candidate
JOB_TITLE The job title of a vacancy
WORK_FIELD The work field. Object type field with sub fields PROFESSION_GROUP and EXPERIENCE_LEVEL expected.
PROFESSION_GROUP The normalized profession group code
EXPERIENCE_LEVEL_CV The work field experience level of a candidate
EXPERIENCE_LEVEL_VAC The expected work field experience level of a vacancy
Skill related Concepts
IT_SKILLS IT skills, ideally as a normalized code-based field
PROFESSIONAL_SKILLS Professional skills, ideally as a normalized code-based field
SOFT_SKILLS Soft skills, ideally as a normalized code-based field
LANGUAGE_SKILLS Languague skills as a normalized code-based field
Education related Cocncept
DEGREES Object type field to list (requested) degrees of a candidate, expecting sub fields of type DEGREE_NAME and DEGREE_LEVEL
DEGREE_NAME The degree name
DEGREE_LEVEL The degree level
EDUCATION_LEVEL The required or highest education level of a candidate
Other Concepts
LOCATION The job or candidate location
EXPERIENCE_YEARS The (required) experience years of a candidate
EMPLOYER The latest employer of a candidate or the employee organization of a vacancy
LAST_MODIFIED The last modification date of a document (auto-set by Search)
ID Marker for ID-type of fields that are unique for all documents of an index
Extra Source Concepts
SKILL Marker for additional fields that should get mapped by Source to the skills field
KEYWORDS Marker for additional fields that should get mapped by Source to the keywords field

The concept annotation is used within Search for different purposes:

  • It is necessary for the Source query mapping. Untagged fields are not mapped for external search with Source.

  • Concepts are used for the Natural Language Search feature, where the semantic concepts are mapped to the configuration fields based on the concept annotation of those fields.

  • Concepts are also used for Bi-metric Scoring.