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Bullhorn ATS
Candidate Search!

Standard Candidate Search! configuration🔗

References to the Bullhorn entities and fields can be checked in the Bullhorn Entity Reference documentation.


Fields not marked with * are displayed when clicking and expanding a candidate record.

Field Description
Full Name * Candidate's full name. Concatenation of the fields Candidate.firstName and Candidate.lastName, or what extracted from the resume if not available in Bullhorn.
Location/City * Location of the candidate calculated based on the field Candidate.address. If the city, the postal code or the country is not available in Bullhorn, the missing information is calculated based on the location extracted from the resume.
Current Job Title * The candidate last position title. Field Candidate.occupation or, if not available, the last job title calculated from the experiences extracted from the resume.
Current Company/Employer * The candidate's last employer. Field Candidate.companyName or, if not available, the last employer calculated from the experiences extracted from the resume.
Status * Candidate's status, field Candidate.status
Phone Number(s) * Candidate's phone numbers from the fields, Candidate.phone2, Candidate.phone3 and If and/or are not filled in, they are replaced with the landline and mobile phone numbers respectively, extracted from the resume.
Email(s) * Candidate's email addresses from the fields, Candidate.email2 and Candidate.email3. If is not filled in, it's replaced the email address extracted from the resume.
Date Added Date on which the record was created in Bullhorn, field Candidate.dateAdded.
Bullhorn ID The unique Bullhorn candidate id, field
All Titles/Roles The full list of job titles/roles of the candidate, coming from the fields CandidateWorkHistory.title and the work experiences extracted from the resume.
All Employers The full list of employers of the candidate, coming from the fields CandidateWorkHistory.companyName and the work experiences extracted from the resume.
Years of Experience Total years of experience of the candidate, calculated based on the full work history of the candidate coming from CandidateWorkHistory and the resume.
Current Work Field The current work field of the candidate calculated based on the last job title/role of the candidate and normalized to the Textkernel Professions Taxonomy.
IT Skills Candidate's IT skills extracted from the resume.
Languages Candidate's IT skills extracted from the resume.
Other Skills Candidate's skills that are not classified neither as IT nor as language skills, as well skills coming from the field Candidate.skillset.
Education Level Candidate's education level, calculated from the education history entity CandidateEducation and the education items extracted from the resume. Education levels values are based on Textkernel Education Level Classification.
Majors/Degrees The list of majors/degrees in which the candidate graduated, calculated from the education history entity CandidateEducation and the education items extracted from the resume.
Colleges/Universities The list of education institutes, calculated from the education history entity CandidateEducation and the education items extracted from the resume.
Date Available Candidate's availability date based on the field Candidate.dateavailable.
Date Last Comment Date of the last time a comment was added to the candidate record, from the field Candidate.datelastcomment.
Category Candidate's primary category, from the field Candidate.category.
Last Note Content (Note.comments) and date (Note.dateAdded) of the last note added to the candidate record.
Business Sectors/Industry Business sectors associated to the candidate record in the field Candidate.businessSectors.
Placements The list of candidate's placements associated in the field Candidate.placements. For each placement, the job order title (JobOrder.title), the date (Placement.dateAdded) and the status (Placement.status) are displayed.
Submissions The list of candidate's submissions associated in the field Candidate.submissions. For each job submission, the job order title (JobOrder.title), the date (JobSubmission.dateAdded) and the status (JobSubmission.status) are displayed .


Facet Description
Projects Allows to filter only candidates that belong to a specific Search! project, which is a collections of interesting candidates records.
Group "Bullhorn Filters"
  Bullhorn ID Allows to filter Bullhorn candidate ID, field
  Date Added Allows to filter on the date a candidate record was added to Bullhorn, field Candidate.dateAdded.
  Status Allows to filter on the candidate status field Candidate.status.
  Source Allows to filter by the source of the candidate, field Candidate.source.
  Date Available Allows to filter by the availability date of the candidate, field Candidate.dateAvailable.
  Owner Allows to filter candidates by the owner name ( of the record, associated by the field Candidate.owner.
  Note Action Type Allows to filter candidates by the actions (Note.action) of their notes. It also allow to further refine the filter by the date of the note (Note.dateAdded).
  Date Last Note Allows to filter candidates by the date of the most recent note (Candidate.dateLastComment), showing only candidates that have activity since the selected date.
  Submissions Allows to filter candidates by the date of the most recent job submission (JobSubmission.dateAdded).
  Placements Allows to filter candidates by the date of the most recent placement (Placement.dateAdded).
  Category Allows to filter by the primary category of the candidate (Candidate.category).
  Business Sectors Allows to filter by the business sector(s) associated to the candidate (Candidate.businessSectors).
Group "City"
  Postal/ZIP code or city Allows to search candidates within a radius given a city name or postal code. Location of the candidate calculated based on the field Candidate.address. If the city, the postal code or the country is not available in Bullhorn, the missing information is calculated based on the location extracted from the resume.
  State (Only available for US customers) Allows to filter by the state of the candidate. Location of the candidate calculated based on the field Candidate.address. If the state field is not available in Bullhorn, it is calculated based on the location extracted from the resume.
Group "Professional Experience"
  Last Position Allows to filter candidates by their most recent position, based either on the field Candidate.occupation or, if not available, on the job title of the most recent work experience extracted from the resume.
  Recent Titles/Roles Allows to filter candidates by their recent roles held in the last 4 years. The recent roles are calculated based on the recent work experiences in Bullhorn (CandidateWorkHistory.title), the recent experiences extracted from the resume and the field Candidate.occupation.
  All Titles/Roles Allows to filter candidates by their roles. The job titles/roles are calculated based on the full work experience (CandidateWorkHistory.title) and all the experiences extracted from the resume. Furthermore, once one or more job titles/roles are selected, it is possible to further filter by years of experience in the selected roles.
  Current Work Field Allows to filter candidates by their current work field, which is calculated based on the last job title/role of the candidate and normalized to the Textkernel Professions Taxonomy. Furthermore, it is possible to futher filter the experience level in the selected work field (Expert, Experienced, Starter, Recent Graduate, Intern, Student).
  Years of Experience Allows to filter by the years of experience of a candidate, calculated based on the full work experience (CandidateWorkHistory.title) and all the experiences extracted from the resume.
  Last Employer Allows to filter by the candidate's most recent employer, calculated based on the full work experience (CandidateWorkHistory.title) and all the experiences extracted from the resume.
  All Employers Allows to filter candidates by employers, calculated based on the full work experience (CandidateWorkHistory.title) and all the experiences extracted from the resume. Furthermore, it is possible to filter by the years a candidate worked for a selected employer.
IT Skills Allows to filter candidates by required IT skills extracted from the resume.
Other Skills Allows to filter candidates by skills extracted from the resume that are not classified neither as IT nor as language skills, as well by skills coming from the field Candidate.skillset.
Languages Allows to filter candidates by required language skills extracted from the resume. Furthermore, it is possible to filter by the knowledge level of a selected language.
Group "Education Classification"
  Education Level Allows to filter candidates based on their highest education level, which is calculated from the education history entity CandidateEducation and the education items extracted from the resume. Education levels values are based on Textkernel Education Level Classification.
  Majors/Degrees Allows to filter by majors/degrees in the education history entity CandidateEducation and the education items extracted from the resume.
  Colleges/Universities Allows to filter by institutes in the education history entity CandidateEducation and the education items extracted from the resume.
Date Last Modified Allows to filter candidates by the most recent activity date (Candidate.dateLastModified).


Users can select multiple candidate records and trigger the following actions on the selection:

  • Save to Project
  • Compare Profiles
  • Email Candidates
  • Add Note
  • Add Task
  • Add to Tearsheet
  • Add to Distribution List
  • Add Submission
  • Add Client Submission

Also, the user can perform the following action on single records:

  • Match!
  • View Resume
  • View Notes
  • Candidate Overview
  • Candidate Files
  • Email Candidate
  • Add Note
  • Add Task
  • Add Appointment
  • Add to Tearsheet
  • Add to Distribution List
  • Add Submission
  • Add Client Submission
  • Add Placement

Users can perform the following action directly from a Bullhorn candidate record:

  • Textkernel Match!
  • Textkernel Find Similar Candidates


All actions back to the Bullhorn ATS allow to select up to 100 records.